A new pet joined our family on Sunday. Luke was so excited about being able to have and care for a pet of his very own. Eventually we would like to get a puppy, but we settled on an easier alternative for now. He had lots of choices: frog, lizard, turtle, fish, kitten? Which would it be? He chose a hamster just like his big sister. He even wanted the same species....Chinese dwarf hamster. Sunny has been such a wonderful and easy pet, and Luke wanted one just like Sunny. Well, he definitely looks a lot like him, but that's where the similarity ends so far. He is VERY fast! He has not gotten away yet, but he certainly would like to! He literally jumps out of your hands! We will keep you posted on our latest hamster escapes....I mean adventures!
By the way, he named him Honey. It was in honor of my two hamsters growing up whose names were Honey and Sunny. He also has a brownish/goldish color.
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