Monday, June 9, 2008

It's Summer!

Aunt Joy and Sarah AnneHappy 6th Birthday!
Sarah's adorable and delicious chocolate cake
Camping with the kids.....Getting ready for Smore time!
Roasting around the fire Mmm...yummy to my tummy!

The sun shining down on the edge of the lake....what a beautiful scene despite the drought conditions....what an amazing God!!Our home for the night

Visiting Mimi Jason, Cari and Little Baby Will
Andrew's First Waterslide Plunge (Daddy had the most fun....can you tell?)

It's finally "officially" summer!! I have really been looking forward to sleeping in and having more time with all the kiddos at home. Now that Sarah is full-time in school during the year I really treasure and appreciate these days I have 24/7 with them. These last few weeks of summer vacation have been full:) We have visited Mimi, gone to the dentist, taken a dip in our neighborhood pool, had a wonderful belated birthday lunch with Aunt Joy, visited baby Will and gone on an overnight camping trip. I have posted several pictures of our adventures above. Stay tuned for the latest Shaw Five Summer Adventures!! I will have some Florida pictures coming soon:)


serendipity08 said...

This is a comment for Aunt Joy...Im in my twenties...but when i get older, I want to look like you !

Youre beautiful :)


lauren said...

yea!! loved seeing a new post. i also love seeing what y'all have been up to. can't wait for the florida pics. i'm missing all of you so much. counting the days until we come in town. love you!