Menu: Steaks, baked pots, mac n cheese, and salad
Definitely a meal fit for a prince!
Happy Birthday sweet boy!! It was so surreal to celebrate your 3rd birthday this past could you possibly be 3 already? What a joy you have brought to our lives these 3 years. It is such a privilege to be your parents and be a part of God's great plan for your life!!
We love you so much!
3 year old Andrew:
-loves to laugh
-has a belly laugh that is just adorable...I think you got this from your big sis
-has a belly laugh that is just adorable...I think you got this from your big sis
-adores cars, trains, trucks
-enjoys working puzzles
-enjoys working puzzles
-loves playing outside on the swingset and riding your big wheel
-a good bunkmate with Luke (you have not complained about being on the bottom once)
-misses big sis and bro at school during the day
-loves to run...inside and out! (Especially backwards!)
-jumps all the time on both feet....we call him "froggy" a lot
-enjoys music and dancing
-gives the best hugs
-loves books (favorite topic: trucks and cars....who would have guessed?)
-loves playing Hullabaloo, hide n' seek, Hi Ho Cherrio O and Little People
-likes hot dogs (only child who does in our family)
-still likes his pacifier at nighttime....working on this one!
-loves to talk and tell you about his day at school like big brother and sister
-very independent like his brother