The last week of October was full of all kinds of fall activities. Sarah's school had a fall festival where the kids dressed up as Indians, Pilgrims, Scarecrows, Cowboys or anything fall related. Sarah was determined to be an Indian girl this year (Last year she was a cowgirl:) I bought some brown felt and beads and we used our imagination to come up with an outfit. We came up with an Indian tunic/shawl/vest "thingy" and Sarah had a ball working on adding beads to it. It really turned out pretty cute.....since I have no sewing skills whatsoever, I was stuck with a pair of scissors, and I really was not sure what the end product was doing to be! I was thankful after a few "cuts" that it still looked fairly "Indian-like". The school had organized sack races, three-legged races, face painting etc.. Luke and Andrew dressed up like cowboys and everyone had a wonderful time enjoying the beautiful fall day. The Lord's creation is truly breath-taking this time of year!! What an incredibly creative Father!! Thank you, Lord, for giving us so much beauty to enjoy!
(The other pictures are from Luke and Andrew's fall festival at preschool and hanging out with our friends and their children on Halloween night)
Happy Fall everyone!